The UN is a joke and as a sovereign nation, we shouldn't defer to it EVER. We practically fund the UN and the UN constantly spits in our face. It's a sham and we shouldn't be a part of it. With that being said, the fact that the issue of Voter ID being brought before the UN is a freakin' joke. Like the article says, you have some pretty serious Human Rights abusers on there. Hi China, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Just insane stuff here folks.
As for the issue of Voter ID, what is the big freakin deal? You need an ID for everything! You want to see a Rated-R movie, hey where's your ID? Buy a pack of butts, hey where's your ID? So how can someone possibly not see the validity in having a photo ID for something as vital as VOTING?! Come on. Stop playing politics and just admit this is so commonsense. And stop making excuses for people claiming they cannot get a picture ID in today's world. Who are these people? And it's not a money thing. Because you see it all the time. "Poor" people have iPhones, cable, etc. If someone feels passionate enough to vote, then surely they can take the requisite steps to get an ID. Come on. If you're over 18 and don't have a picture ID, the majority of the time there's only one reason's because you haven't taken the initiative to get one. This country needs to stop making excuses for the lethargy of so many.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
How ironic...don't ya think?
And I'm sure these guys can DEFINITELY relate to the average person...haha..$10k per plate..riight..both sides of the aisle are ridiculous in their campaign expenditures. Much worthier endeavors out there than spending $1 billion dollars to win an election. Sad.
Vice President Joe Biden addressed 87 wealthy Democrats last night attending a fundraiser at the home of Sen. John Kerry in Georgetown. As they dined on grass-fed New York strip steaks and white truffle mashed potatos underneath a outdoor tent, Biden criticized Republicans for being out of touch.“These guys don’t have a sense of the average folks out there,” Biden said according to the pool report, “They don’t know what it means to be middle class.”87 guests paid a minimum of $10,000-per-couple to attend the dinner.
Vice President Joe Biden addressed 87 wealthy Democrats last night attending a fundraiser at the home of Sen. John Kerry in Georgetown. As they dined on grass-fed New York strip steaks and white truffle mashed potatos underneath a outdoor tent, Biden criticized Republicans for being out of touch.“These guys don’t have a sense of the average folks out there,” Biden said according to the pool report, “They don’t know what it means to be middle class.”87 guests paid a minimum of $10,000-per-couple to attend the dinner.
Friday, March 9, 2012

Just have to add this little disclaimer: Yes I am moderately conservative. Yes I am registered as a Republican (though I was Independent until now). Yes this blog will have a conservative bent (but will be augmented with facts). Yes I am a Marine but these views on here are in no way endorsed by the Marine Corps nor will I use the fact that I'm a Marine to promote my views. These are strictly the views of a private citizen, Peter Brennan. Thank you and good night.
One more post and then off to bed. I'm glad I got the ball rolling on the blogging even though no one is probably even reading it. On to the video.
There really isn't much to say here. It's just so infuriating and almost makes me physically sick. Chanting "USA, USA" is racist? Huh?! Last time I checked Texas was in America. Did it get up and leave? Did I miss that? How in the hell is this racist? Oh because the people chanting it were white? So now only white people are American? Because the other team was mostly Mexican? Are these kids not American? Do they identify and have an allegiance to Mexico? Listen, I don't give a fuck if you're white, purple or black. If you're American, you're American. Don't give me this crap that chanting USA in America is racist. The culture today is becoming scary. You can't say or do anything anymore without someone looking into and pulling out some meaning that isn't even there. And the fact that there are people actually defending the claims that it's racist. It doesn't even make sense. There are no words to capture just how ridiculous this is.
Double Standard? You bet.
Calling on all responsible people and especially women to see the blatant double standard here. All I ask for is for fair to be fair. If you are going to freak out on conservatives when they do something, at least have the intestinal fortitude to condemn liberals when they pull the same shit. The next few videos are all similar. They are misogynistic. The difference is, one comment is made by a conservative and he's getting absolutely killed in the media. The others were made by liberals and there was no outrage. Double standard? I think so.
So the mainstream media and Congressional Democrats are up in arms over this. They are calling for Rush's head. How dare he say these things?! They are also branding Rush as the de facto head of the Republican Party, so since he said these things, that must mean that all Republicans are women hating misogynists. So while I agree that he shouldn't be calling this woman a slut, the outrage is so fabricated and unjust it's almost laughable.
Now, herein lies the double standard. I present to you Bill Maher and his take on Governor Sarah Palin:
Where's the outrage from women and Democrats after this remark? He also called Palin a "cunt." Bill Maher also just dontated 1 MILLION DOLLARS to Obama's re-election campaign. Interesting.
How about Ed Shultz and his views on conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham? A "slut," eh?
Dissent IS appropriate
This clip is from 2003. During the Bush presidency, dissent was rampant. The guy couldn't take a shit without being criticized for it. Fast forward to the Obama presidency and dissent is unpatriotic, racist, mean, unfair, anti-hope, blah blah. Again, my intent on this blog is to post videos, quotes, links, real figures in an attempt to back up everything I say. I have nothing personal against the President or anyone in Congress. How could I? I've never met them. What I do vehemently disagree with are some of their policies and record and that is perfectly healthy and dare I say....patriotic? I refuse to stand idly by and not make my opinion heard. You may not agree with it and that is perfectly legit. I will not begrudge anyone who respectfully disagrees with me. So, on to the blogging. I think the above video by Hillary was spot on. I will be a patriot and I will disagree when I feel it's right to do so..
Ok, I'm starting my blog back up. I'll be posting things at various times. Pretty much when I see something that gets me fired up, I'll pop on here and post a link and maybe it'll provoke some discussion. I want this site to be a place for grown-up discussion should people feel the urge to comment on what is posted. Who knows, maybe nobody will even read this stuff. I find myself having so much to say every single day and I need to just put my thoughts out there, even if I'm only ranting to myself. Anyways, without further ado...
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