Friday, March 9, 2012

Double Standard? You bet.

Calling on all responsible people and especially women to see the blatant double standard here. All I ask for is for fair to be fair. If you are going to freak out on conservatives when they do something, at least have the intestinal fortitude to condemn liberals when they pull the same shit. The next few videos are all similar. They are misogynistic. The difference is, one comment is made by a conservative and he's getting absolutely killed in the media. The others were made by liberals and there was no outrage. Double standard? I think so.

So unless you've been living in a cave you've heard the uproar over Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute." I agree, his words were harsh and he did apologize for using them, though Sandra hasn't entirely accepted it. Whatever. Here's the audio and video of Rush.

So the mainstream media and Congressional Democrats are up in arms over this. They are calling for Rush's head. How dare he say these things?! They are also branding Rush as the de facto head of the Republican Party, so since he said these things, that must mean that all Republicans are women hating misogynists. So while I agree that he shouldn't be calling this woman a slut, the outrage is so fabricated and unjust it's almost laughable.

Now, herein lies the double standard. I present to you Bill Maher and his take on Governor Sarah Palin:

Where's the outrage from women and Democrats after this remark? He also called Palin a "cunt." Bill Maher also just dontated 1 MILLION DOLLARS to Obama's re-election campaign. Interesting.

How about Ed Shultz and his views on conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham? A "slut," eh?

1 comment:

  1. Since conservatives espouse values and value systems they make themselves easy targets when they make mistakes. Liberals have no true value system so are harder to hold to any standard of decency. The only consistency in liberals seems to be a self loathing of all that is American.
